What's New - Version 7.0.18

Release Date : 08 Aug 2024

  1. System – Configuration – Security Rights Grouping
  • New Security Right
    • Web Cockpit Global Search
  1. Master – User Defined Fields – All Document
    • New Checkbox
      • Editable Checkbox under Other Modules window
  1. Inventory Warehousing – Reports – Material In / Out – Stock Taking
    • New parameter
      • Show only Warehouse Fixed Products
  2. Inventory Warehousing – Reports – Material In / Out – Stock Take – As on
    • New Parameter
      • Show only Warehouse Fixed Products
  1. Manufacturing – Reports – Material In / Out Register – Stock Taking
    • New Parameter
      • Show only Warehouse Fixed Products
  1. Inventory Warehousing Reports – MIS Reports – Stock Ageing
    • New Columns
      • Vendor Code
      • Vendor Name
  1. Reports – Customer Master Listing
    • New Parameter
      • Show Multiple Billing Address
  1. Reports – Vendor Master Listing
    • New Parameter
      • Show Multiple Billing Address
  1. Customer – Master – Contact tab
    • New Field
      • Contact Code
  1. Vendor – Master – Contact Tab
    • New Field
      • Contact Code
  1. Web Cockpit – Inventory
    • Parameter Retention
      • Cockpit – Inventory – Warehouse Wise Stock
      • Cockpit – Inventory – Stock Status
      • Cockpit – Inventory – Reorder Status
  1. Fixed Assets – Entry – All Fixed Asset ID Help Window
    • New Column
      • Additional Description
  1. Account Receivable – Sales – Reports – Sale Data Dump
    • New Column
      • Mobile Phone
      • Telephone
  1. Masters – Customers / Vendors – Customers And Customers Grouping 
    • Alert Message when Tagging multiple Groups or Subgroups
      • Masters – Customers / Vendors – Customers
      • Masters – Customers / Vendors – Customers Grouping
  1. Masters – Customers / Vendors – Vendors And Vendors Grouping 
    • Alert Message when Tagging multiple Groups or Subgroups
      • Masters – Customers / Vendors – Vendors
      • Masters – Customers / Vendors – Vendors Grouping
  1. Masters – Opening Balances – Customers Opening

– Applicable for Nepal Only

  • Option to Delete or Modify
    • Customer’s Consolidated Opening entry
    • Sale Invoice Opening entries
  1. InvoiceNow (PEPPOL) – New Facility

– Applicable for Singapore Only

  • Support for new BillBay (AP) Hostname
    • Hostname : alfa.billbay.io
  1. Company – General and Other Information – GST Details – Branch Accounting

– Applicable for India Only

  • New Column
    • Turnover Amount
  1. Masters – Customers / Vendors – Vendors – General Tab

– Applicable for India Only

  • New Combo Box
    • Type of Business
      • Trader’s (Goods)
      • Manufacturers (Other than Notified Manufacturers)
      • Supplier of food or drinks for human consumption (without alcohol)
  1. Masters – Invoice Terms – GST Codes

– Applicable for India Only

  • New GST Codes Introduced
    • Sale
      • GST 1.00%
    • Purchase
      • GST 1.00%
      • GST 2.00%

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