What's New - Version 7.0.17

Release Date : 23 Jul 2024

  1. Web Cockpit – Inventory – Warehouse Wise Stock
    • New Columns
      • Product Group
      • Product Subgroup
  1. Analysis Purchase – Product Group Wise – Include Return And Exclude Return
    • New Parameter added
      • Display Last Node Product Only
  1. Analysis – Sales – Product Group Wise – Include Return And Exclude Return
    • New Parameter added
      • Display Last Node Product Only
  1. Web Cockpit – Instant Global Search
    • Search for Company Level Attachments
    • Download option added for Company Level Attachments
  1. Family Wealth Guru – Asset Master
    • New Stock Symbols
  1. Document Designer – Vendor Cheque Printing – New Fields
    • New Fields
      • Vendor Bank Name
      • IFSC Code
      • Bank Account Name
      • Account Number
  1. FACT ERP.NG Client Login Screen
    • Enhanced Login
      • Authorised Access Warning
  1. Family Wealth Guru – Asset Master
    • New Field under Add / Remove fields
      • Market Rate
  1. Items / Products – Products And Grouping 
    • Alert Message on tagging multiple Groups or Subgroups
      • Masters – Items / Products – Products
      • Masters – Items / Products – Grouping
  1. Web Cockpit – Email – Email Template Builder
    • New Modules
      • Sale Order
      • Cancelled Sale Invoice
      • Outstanding Sale Invoice Reminder
      • Customer Receipt
      • Customer Payment
      • Customer Receipt Cheque Dishonor
      • Vendor Receipt
      • Vendor Payment
      • Advance Vendor Payment
      • Vendor Credit Note
      • Vendor Debit Note
      • Stock Transfer Outward Invoice
    • New Tab – Settings
      • Template can be set as Active / Dormant
      • Only one Template can be Active at one time for each module
      • After Web Update, existing Template will be set as Dormant
      • Select Document Design With or Without Condition for Sale Invoice and Cancelled Sale Invoice Templates
      • Email Scheduler Configuration for Outstanding Sale Invoice Reminder Template
      • Digital Signature for Document Design if Digital Signature is activated from System Control
  1. Email Dispatch Engine – New Feature
    • New Feature –
      • Email Dispatch Engine
    • Applicable for
      • Sale Order
      • Sale Invoice
      • Customer Receipt / Payment
      • Customer Debit / Credit Note
      • Accounts Receivable – Sales – Dishonoured Cheques
      • Vendor Receipt / Payment
      • Vendor Debit / Credit Note
      • Stock Transfer (Outward)
    • Conditions for Email Dispatch Engine
      • Email Profile must be configured
      • Email ID will be picked from Contact’s Email ID of the selected Customer / Vendor
      • Email Template for the respective module must be Active
      • Security Rights to Email Dispatch Engines must be granted for the respective module under User Defined Security Rights Grouping (Not applicable for Default Security Rights Grouping)
  1. Web Cockpit – Email – Email Log Report
    • New Report
      • Email Log Report
  1. Reports – Profit & Loss Account
    • More informative Alert Message
      • Profit & Loss – Date To Date (Complete)
      • Profit & Loss – Date To Date (Schedules)
  1. Reports – Balance Sheet – Message improved
    • More informative Alert Message
      • Balance Sheet – Date To Date (Complete)
      • Balance Sheet – Date To Date (Schedules)
  1. Company Master

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields
    • TIN Number
    • Tourism Tax Registration Number
    • MSIC Code & Description
  1. Customer Master

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields
    • TIN Number
    • Shipping BRN Number
    • Shipping TIN Number
  • Above New Fields are available under Import Template & Import Module as well
  1. Vendor Master

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields
    • Malaysia Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) Code
    • TIN Number
    • Tourism Tax Registration Number
  • Above New Fields are available under Import Template & Import Module as well
  1. Product Master – New Fields

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields
    • Classification Code
    • UN / ECE Purchase Unit
    • UN / ECE Stock Unit
    • UN / ECE Sale Unit
  • Above New Fields are available under Import Template & Import Module as well
  1. Utility

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Module
    • MyInvois Configuration
  1. Sale Invoice

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields under Remarks
    • Reference Number of Customs Form No.1, 9, etc.
    • Incoterms
  • New Fields under Address Window
    • Shipping BRN Number
    • Shipping TIN Number
  • New Buttons under Home Screen
    • Upload Invoice
  1. Sale Return

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Button under Home Screen
    • Upload Credit Note
  1. Customer Debit / Credit Note

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields
    • Reference Number
    • Reference Date
  • New Button under Home Screen
    • Upload Note
  1. Customer Payment

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields
    • Refund Note (Available only when MyInvois is configured)
  • New Button under Home Screen
    • Upload Refund Note
  1. Sales – Entry – Consolidated Invoice

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Module
    • Consolidated Invoice
    • Create Consolidated Invoice (MyInvois) by tagging existing Sale Invoices for the selected month
  1. Purchase Invoice

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields under Remarks Window
    • Reference Number of Customs Form No.2 etc.
    • Incoterms
  • Self-Billed Invoice (Available only when MyInvois is configured)
  • New Button under Home Screen
    • Upload Self-Billed Invoice
  1. Purchase Return

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields under Remarks Window
    • Self-Billed Credit Note (Available only when MyInvois is configured)
  • New Button under Home Screen
    • Upload Self-Billed Credit Note
  1. Vendor Receipt

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields
    • Self-Billed Refund Note (Available only when MyInvois is configured)
  • New Button under Home Screen
    • Upload Self-Billed Refund Note
  1. Vendor Debit / Credit Note

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Fields
    • Reference Number
    • Reference Date
  • New Fields under Remarks Window
    • Self-Billed Debit / Credit Note (Available only when MyInvois is configured)
  • New Button under Home Screen
    • Upload Self-Billed Note
  1. Document Designer

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Default Designs for MyInvois
    • Sale Invoice – MyInvois Invoice
    • Sale Return – MyInvois Credit Note
    • Customer Payment – MyInvois Refund Note
    • Customer Credit Note – MyInvois Credit Note
    • Customer Debit Note – MyInvois Debit Note
    • Consolidated Invoice – MyInvois Consolidated Invoice
    • Purchase Invoice – MyInvois Self-Billed Invoice
    • Purchase Return – MyInvois Self-Billed Credit Note
    • Vendor Receipt – MyInvois Self-Billed Refund Note
    • Vendor Debit Note – MyInvois Self-Billed Credit Note
    • Vendor Credit Note – MyInvois Self-Billed Debit Note
  1. CXO Control Tower

– Applicable for Malaysia Only

  • New Tile
    • Malaysia MyInvois
      • Conditions for the New Tile
      • Company Country must be Malaysia
      • MyInvois must be Configured
    • Summary – Count of Uploaded Documents and Cancelled Documents
    • Uploaded, Cancelled and Failed Documents listed under View Log Window
  1. TDS / eTDS – Form 26Q Enhanced

– Applicable for India Only

  • File Validation Utility (FVU) Upgraded to NSDL Version 8.7
  1. Entry – Rewards Issue

– Applicable for India Only

  • New Module (in TDS activated Company)
    • Rewards Issue
  • New Implementation
    • TDS on Rewards given to Customers / Vendors u/s 194R
      • TDS Deduction through Customers / Vendors Debit Note
      • New Options under TDS Information – TDS Taxable Amount Calculation
        • TDS Liability to be borne by Receiver / Deductee
        • TDS Liability to be borne by Deductor
  1. Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) – TDS Types (Sections) – TDS Sec 194R Enhanced

– Applicable for India Only

  • TDS Section 194R
    • TDS can be configured for Profit & Loss Type General Ledger codes only
    • General Ledger code configured for TDS cannot mapped with any GST Code
    • Implementation of TDS in Vendor Credit Note
    • Implementation of TDS in Customer Credit Note
    • Facility in TDS Information – TDS Taxable Amount Calculation
      • TDS Liability to be borne by Receiver / Deductee
      • TDS Liability to be borne by Deductor
  1. Ichiban Payroll Guru – Payroll Generation

– Applicable for India Only

  • Leave Encashment Amount
    • Consider all Allowances included in Gross Allowance
  1. New VAT Codes

– Applicable for Nepal Only

  • New VAT Codes
    • Sale & Purchase
      • N1 – VAT 13%
      • N2 – VAT 0%
    • Purchase
      • N3 – No Impact
    • Option to Mark VAT Code as Active or Dormant
    • All existing (manually created) VAT Codes will be marked Dormant
  1. Nepal VAT Reports – IRD Log Register

– Applicable for Nepal Only

  • New Report
    • IRD Log Register
  1. Nepal VAT Reports – VAT Annexure 7

– Applicable for Nepal Only

  • New Parameter
    • Show Sync Date & Time
  • New Columns
    • Sync with IRD Date & Time
  1. Accounts Receivable – Sales – Entry – Sale Invoice

– Applicable for Nepal Only

  • New Column under Home Screen
    • IRD Sync
  1. Ichiban Payroll Guru – Employees – Statutory

– Applicable for Nepal Only

  • New Options under Statutory Details
    • Non Residence
    • Foreign Employee
    • Health Insurance
    • Personal Building Benefit
    • Remote Area
    • Employee Disable or Not
    • Date of Disablement
  1. Ichiban Payroll Guru – Payroll Generation

– Applicable for Nepal Only

  • Employee Tax Calculation to consider
    • Deductible Retirement Fund

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